PhD/ Doctoral programs

Agricultural Sciences

8 semesters

Animal Science, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year

The basic philosophy of the Doctoral School of Animal Science from the beginnings is: Improving the modern animal…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Tuition Fee:
Food Sciences Program:       9,800 USD/year
Nutrition Science Program: 16,900 USD/year

Research in food and engineering sciences is increasingly widespread as new challenges emerge in the field of food quality and…

8 semesters

Crop Sciences and Horticulture, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD.

The Kerpely Kálmán Doctoral School of Crop Sciences and Horticulture has doctoral programs in crop production, horticultural…


8 semesters

English and American Literature, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD.

The program prepares specialists in economics and business who, using the skills acquired in the fields of economics, social sciences…

8 semesters

English Linguistics, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

We are especially interested in syntax, morphology, semantics, and pragmatics; as well as in the more interdisciplinary fields…

8 semesters

History and Ethnology, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of History and Ethnology provides possibilities to acquaint scientific (PhD degree) qualification…

8 semesters

Human Sciences, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The Doctoral School of Human Sciences involves altogether four disciplines, which makes it unique in Hungary: Philosophy…

Information Technology

8 semesters

Informatics, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the…

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Health Sciences

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral program in preventive medicine and public health within the framework of Doctoral Training Programs of the Medical…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Doctoral School of Pharmacy ensures education and scientific research in two doctoral programs. The main research fields…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The goal of the Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine (DSMM) is to prepare the next generation of leading researchers by…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Molecular Cell and Immune Biology

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research on molecular biology, cell biology and immune biology…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Neurosciences

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The goal of the Doctoral School of Neuroscience is to offer an excellent niche for neuroscience research where PhD students and…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The Doctoral School provides high quality education in clinical and experimental research in the following programs: clinical…

8 semesters

Gyula Petrányi Doctoral School of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The research focus of the Gyula Petrányi Doctoral School is the normal and pathological immune regulation, molecular pathology…

8 semesters

Kálmán Laki Doctoral School

Tuition Fee: 16.900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education both in clinical and experimental research in the following programs:…

8 semesters

Doctoral School of Dental Sciences

Tuition Fee: 16,900 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The various fields of dental sciences form a very exciting research area nowadays. The oral cavity represents the first gate of the human…

Natural Sciences

8 semesters

Biology and Environmental Sciences, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the following…

8 semesters

Chemistry, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the following…

8 semesters

Earth Sciences, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the following…

8 semesters

Mathematical and Computational Sciences, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the following…

8 semesters

Physics, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6.500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The doctoral school provides high quality education in scientific research. Doctoral candidates are welcome to join the following…

Social Sciences

8 semesters

Legal Studies, PhD

Tuition Fee: 6,500 USD/year
One time fees:application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Currently, one doctoral programme is available in the Doctoral School: ”Changes of state and law in Central and Eastern Europe”. One of…

8 semesters

Management and Business, PhD

Tuition Fee: 12,500 USD/year
One time fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

The aim of doctoral training is to enable doctoral candidates to perform high quality scientific work. Candidates have to be able…

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